Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Little Less Than One Month After Our Move

Linda and I (mostly Linda) worked hard to settle into our new home. With just a few days to go before the one month mark all but two boxes are unpacked. Quite an accomplishment I'd say! Below are a few pictures of the inside after settling in and a picture of our country church.

We are enjoying the people of the church and our ministry here. They are good people who have received us well and made us feel at home. I'll say more latter but for now here are the pictures.

As you walk in the front door you see a favorite picture that was given to us by our church in Roanoke when we left.
The entry way
The next two are of the living room.

Our bedroom Our Family Room

And last of all the kitchen which we have yet to paint.

This is a picture of Webb Chapel United Methodist Church where we are serving.


Anonymous said...

You just may have traumatized that little ring-tail for life. Good thing PETA didn't get wind of the eviction! Now he becomes one of the homeless!

Jeremy said...

beautiful! Martha Stewart couldn't have done more with the place.

Sarah said...

Looks great! It gets more and more homey every time I see it. :) Can't wait to see the post-painting kitchen picture.