Monday, February 26, 2007

Our Move To Logansport

This is our first attempt at posting to a blog so we'll see what happens! For our first post I thought I'd update everyone on our move by using my article for our church's newsletter. It's an update on our move and beginning our ministry at Webb Chapel. So, with a few modifications here it is:

It’s hard to believe that we've already been a part of Webb Chapel for seven weeks! So much has happened during that time. As all of you know we chose the day with the worst weather we’ve had in a few years to move! The moving van arrived on Monday the 12th to load up and after cleaning our home Linda and I left for Logansport. After a great meal with Roger and Margaret (Linda's parents) we spent the night at the parsonage. Needless to say the moving van didn’t bring our belongings on Tuesday and we spent the day looking at the snow storm and shoveling the drive. On Wednesday the movers arrived at noon and by about 3:30 were unloaded. Now we faced the daunting task of sorting through and unpacking all our stuff. Linda has done a great job of organizing and as of today (the 21st) most of the unpacking is finished. In a few days I’ll try to organize the garage and we will have settled into our new home.

One little adventure we had during our move was the cat that had decided to live in our crawl space. After crawling under the house to be sure a cat was there we looked for a way to evict him from his new home. After hearing about the cat in the children’s message Roger Ide loaned me a live trap. I set the trap out on Sunday afternoon along with some tuna fish to tempt the cat. After a few hours I looked out the window and in the growing darkness saw that we had trapped a cat! I told Linda about it and she looked out and when the ‘cat’ turned around she said, “That’s not a cat it’s a raccoon!” We are assuming that the raccoon had evicted the cat for us and decided that he was going to make our crawl space his home. I had other ideas. I covered the hole and turned the cage toward the woods assuming the raccoon would head for the woods; not so! As soon as the trap opened he made an about face and headed right for the hole leading under our house. I guess he liked his new home! I held a stick against the plywood I had put against the hole and told him he couldn’t live here anymore. He was not a happy raccoon! After doing all he could to pull the wood away from the hole he just sat there in the window cell and stared at me. It was a standoff! While Linda held the stick against the plywood I got a shovel to chase away the raccoon and a hammer and nails to nail the plywood against the hole. While we worked the raccoon climbed our fence and watched from a distance as we made his eviction permanent. I don’t think we are well liked by the raccoon population right now! I guess the raccoon and the storm are our little moving adventures!
Well enough on our moving adventure. Linda and I truly appreciate the wonderful welcome we have received at Webb Chapel. All the great food has been truly appreciated; now I know it’s true: there are a lot of great cooks at Webb Chapel!

As we begin our ministry at Webb Chapel I have two objectives. Preach and teach God’s Word and get to know all of you. It’s so important that we get to know and enjoy each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. I truly believe that God deeply desires us to grow close to each other so that we can encourage one another as we grow closer to Christ and serve Him. To begin getting to know each other I hope that many of you will host a Meet Pastor Bill and Linda meeting and that everyone will attend. Look for the details of the meetings in this issue of the Chapel Chatter.

Here are a few pictures from our move.

The next few pictures of our home aare on the day the moving van was supposed to arrive. The storm, an Alberta Clipper, dumped over a foot of snow on us. Needless to say we didn't get much moving done but we were able to rest from the busyness of packing and moving.

A view accross the street where it's pretty hard to see the corn field.

The day after the storm and before the moving van arived.

This is a great picture of a large pine tree in our front yard.

Just to the left of the pine tree the early morning sun shines through the trees creating long shadows on the new snow.

And finally, the famous racoon you read about in the above post!

If you need our new address, phone numbers, or email addresses post a comment and we will send them to you.


Jim Vieceli said...

Awesome Pictures!

Anonymous said...

Bill & Linda,

Glad to hear the move out and in went well. Looks like beautiful country. The snow cover is also beautiful, especially from here in warm Myrtle Beach,S.C.

One question though, I thought your job was to welcome new members into the fold not evict them from a perfectly warm winter home?

Good to hear from you and say hello to all.

Uncle Bill

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you are moved and settled in. Loved the pics:) David and Bonnie Curl

Anonymous said...

We have been thinking of you and praying at times. Remember the great Israel tour!?
Thank you for the update of your move. We have another Prayer-Prophecy-Pilgrim Meeting tomorrow night. So much now,in prophecy concerning Israel/Second Coming of Christ. What momentous days!!!

Love you both, and prayers for His ministry at Webb Chapel.

John and Sue

Andy said...

The crazy raccoon! Is his name Rocky? Enjoyed seeing the beautiful pictures of the snow dumping there on 150 North.


Anonymous said...

Bill&Linda: Hi, Sounds like it was quite a memorable move!! It looks beautiful there, the snow is so pretty. Did you ever find your cat? Looks like you are all moved in and nice and cozy. We are anxious to be able to make our move North but it may be harder now with Baby Eli here. He is so precious, and a real good baby. Hope to talk to you soon. Love Deb