Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Greetings 2007

Merry Christmas from Our Home to Yours!
We hope all of you had a wonderful year and that this time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ finds you and your family doing well. If we have not heard from you please drop us a quick note, we’d love to hear from you. The last year has held many changes for us and we’re excited about sharing them with you.
Last December our ministry at Cicero Christian Church came to an end and, through what was clearly a move of God, we were offered a pastoral position at Webb Chapel United Methodist Church. For almost a year now we have been serving the wonderful people of this church in rural Indiana. What’s rather amazing is that it is Linda’s home church! We won’t elaborate on the details, but if you are interested please call and we’d be glad to share the story with you. Bill has had a busy year serving and working with the people of Webb Chapel.
Linda concluded her position with the Central Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center in February. Her three years there were a blessing to her and the staff, volunteers and clients of the center. After moving Linda took two part time nursing positions. She serves a few hours a week with a home health agency and works twenty hours a week as a school nurse at the local high school. This position gives her the wonderful opportunity to enjoy and minister to the many students who come in to see her each day. Being back home also gives her time to see her family more often and help her parents with any medical concerns.

One big piece of news in our family is the birth of our new grandson Nathanael Harrison. Nathanael was born July 24th and is a wonderful little guy. As you can see from the picture he is undoubtedly the best looking baby around! How does he manage to stand up with dad when he is only four months old! He is Jeremy and Jackie’s first child and we hope not the last! If you want to see more pictures of Nathanael check out Jeremy and Jackie's blog. Here's Nathanael opening his first Christmas present.

After spending a wonderful year and a half in Oregon and California working at national parks, Sarah is now working full time at a pharmaceuticals company near Indianapolis. She is enjoying her challenging job as an Accu-check Customer Support Specialist and is doing a great job. She has a nice apartment and is attending a church she truly enjoys. One of her favorite pastimes is cheering for the Indianapolis Colts which has obviously paid off. Could there be another Super Bowl for them this year? Sarah also has a great blog which you are welcome to visit.

Other than the birth of our grandson and a wonderful week spent at a pastor/spouse retreat center in Wisconsin, a big event in our lives this past year was time spent in Israel. Last December we truly enjoyed ten wonderful days traveling the land of Israel. It was exciting to be in the land of our Savior’s birth and see the places where He lived, ministered and gave His life for us. The picture on the right was taken in Linda’s favorite place; the Sea of Galilee. To be where our Savior walked on water, calmed the storm, and did much of his ministry was beyond description. Bill’s favorite places were the tomb where Christ rose on that first Easter, and the Garden of Gethsemane. Nothing can compare with seeing Scripture come to life! Have a Wonderful Christmas Celebration! Bill & Linda

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